Techniques for Fine-Tuning LLMs

Techniques for Fine-Tuning LLMs


In this lesson, we will examine the main techniques for fine-tuning Large Language Models for superior performance on specific tasks. We explore why and how to fine-tune LLMs, the strategic importance of instruction fine-tuning, and several fine-tuning methods, such as Full Finetuning, Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), Supervised Finetuning (SFT), and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). We also touch upon the benefits of the Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning (PEFT) approach using Hugging Face's PEFT library, promising both efficiency and performance gains in fine-tuning.

Why We Finetune LLMs

While pretraining provides Language Models (LLMs) with a broad understanding of language, it doesn't equip them with the specialized knowledge needed for complex tasks. For instance, a pre-trained LLM may excel at generating text but encounter difficulties when tasked with sentiment analysis of financial news. This is where fine-tuning comes into play.

Fine-tuning is the process of adapting a pretrained model to a specific task by further training it using task-specific data. For example, if we aim to make an LLM proficient in answering questions about medical texts, we would fine-tune it using a dataset comprising medical question-answer pairs. This process enables the model to recalibrate its internal parameters and representations to align with the intended task, enhancing its capacity to address domain-specific challenges effectively.

However, fine-tuning LLMs conventionally can be resource-intensive and costly. It involves adjusting all the parameters in the pretrained LLM models, which can number in the billions, necessitating significant computational power and time. Consequently, it's crucial to explore more efficient and cost-effective methods for fine-tuning, such as Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA).

A Reminder On Instruction Finetuning

Instruction fine-tuning is a specific type of fine-tuning that grants precise control over a model's behavior. The objective is to train a Language Model (LLM) to interpret prompts as instructions rather than simply treating them as text to continue generating. For example, when given the instruction, "Analyze the sentiment of this text and tell us if it's positive," a model with instruction fine-tuning would perform sentiment analysis rather than continuing the text in some manner.

This technique offers several advantages. It involves training models on tasks described using instructions, enabling LLMs to generalize to new tasks based on additional instructions. This approach circumvents the need for extensive amounts of task-specific data and relies on textual instructions to guide the learning process.

A Reminder of the Techniques For Finetuning LLMs

There are several techniques to make the finetuning process more efficient and effective:

  • Full Finetuning: This method involves adjusting all the parameters in the pretrained LLM models to adapt to a specific task. While effective, it is resource-intensive and requires extensive computational power, therefore it’s rarely used.
  • Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA): LoRA is a technique that aims to adapt LLMs to specific tasks and datasets while simultaneously reducing computational resources and costs. By applying low-rank approximations to the downstream layers of LLMs, LoRA significantly reduces the number of parameters to be trained, thereby lowering the GPU memory requirements and training costs. We’ll also see QLoRA, a variant of LoRA that is more optimized and leverages quantization.

With a focus on the number of parameters involved in finetuning, there are multiple methods, such as:

  • Supervised Finetuning (SFT): SFT involves doing standard supervised finetuning with a pretrained LLM on a small amount of demonstration data. This method is less resource-intensive than full finetuning but still requires significant computational power.
  • Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF): RLHF is a training methodology where models are trained to follow human feedback over multiple iterations. This method can be more effective than SFT, as it allows for continuous improvement based on human feedback. We’ll also see some alternatives to RLHF, such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), and Reinforcement Learning from AI Feedback (RLAIF).

Efficient Finetuning with Hugging Face PEFT Library

Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning (PEFT) approaches address the need for computational and storage efficiency in fine-tuning LLMs. Hugging Face developed the PEFT library specifically for this purpose. PEFT leverages architectures that only fine-tune a small number of additional model parameters while freezing most parameters of the pretrained LLMs, significantly reducing computational and storage costs.

PEFT methods offer benefits beyond just efficiency. These methods have been proven to outperform standard fine-tuning methods, particularly in low-data situations, and provide improved generalization for out-of-domain scenarios. Furthermore, they contribute to the portability of models by generating tiny model checkpoints that require substantially less storage space compared to extensive full fine-tuning checkpoints.

By integrating PEFT strategies, we make way for comparable performance gains to full fine-tuning with only a fraction of the trainable parameters. This, in effect, broadens our capacity to harness the prowess of LLMs, regardless of the hardware limitations we might encounter.

Providing easy integration with the Hugging Face's Transformers and Accelerate libraries, the PEFT library supports popular methods such as Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and Prompt Tuning.


In this lesson, we've learned that while pretraining equips LLMs with a broad understanding of language, fine-tuning is necessary to specialize these models for complex tasks. We've introduced various fine-tuning techniques, including Full Finetuning, Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), Supervised Finetuning (SFT), and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). We've also highlighted the importance of instruction fine-tuning for precise control over model behavior. Finally, we've examined the benefits of Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning (PEFT) approaches, mainly using Hugging Face's PEFT library, which promises both efficiency and performance gains in fine-tuning. This equips us to harness the power of LLMs more effectively and efficiently, regardless of hardware limitations, and to adapt these models to a wide range of tasks and domains.