Next Challenges in LLM Research

Next Challenges in LLM Research


In this lesson, we will view the next challenges in large language model research, covering various facets such as model performance, data and training, language and tokenization, hardware and infrastructure, usability and application, and learning and preferences.

We will explore pressing issues such as mitigating hallucinations, optimizing context, managing massive datasets, improving tokenization, and developing alternatives to GPUs. We will also discuss the need to make agents usable, detect LLM-generated text, and improve learning from human preference.

Model Performance and Efficiency

  • Mitigating and Measuring Hallucinations: One of the significant challenges in LLM research is hallucinations. This phenomenon occurs when an AI model generates information that isn't based on the input data, essentially making things up. While this can be beneficial for creative applications, it is generally considered a drawback for most use cases. The challenge lies in reducing and developing metrics to measure these hallucinations accurately.
  • Optimizing Context Length and Construction: Context plays a crucial role in the performance of LLMs. The challenge here is to optimize the context length and how it is constructed. This is particularly important for applications like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), where the model's response quality depends on the amount and efficiency of the context it can use.
  • Making LLMs Faster and Cheaper: With the advent of models like GPT-3.5, concerns about latency and cost have become more prominent. The challenge lies in developing models that offer similar performance but with a smaller memory footprint and lower costs. Faster inference is especially important for real-time applications like online customer service assistants.
  • Designing New Model Architectures: Transformer architecture has been dominant in the field since 2017. However, the need for a new model architecture that can outperform the Transformer is becoming increasingly apparent. The challenge is to develop an architecture that performs well on current hardware and scales to meet modern requirements.
  • Addressing High Inference Latency: LLMs often exhibit high inference latencies due to low parallelizability and large memory footprints. The task at hand is to develop models and techniques that can reduce this latency, making LLMs more efficient and practical for real-time applications.
  • Overcoming Tasks Not Solvable By Scale: The rapid advancements in LLM capabilities have led to astonishing improvements in performance. However, some tasks seem resistant to further scaling of data or model sizes. The existence of such tasks is speculative, but their potential presence poses a significant challenge. The research community needs to identify these tasks and devise strategies to overcome them, pushing the boundaries of what LLMs can achieve. Read about the Inverse Scaling Prize competition to know more about this.

Data and Training

  • Incorporating Other Data Modalities: The ability to incorporate other data modalities into LLMs is another significant research direction. Multimodality, the ability to understand and process different types of data, can enhance the performance of LLMs and extend their applicability to various industries.
  • Understanding and Managing Huge Datasets: The sheer size of modern pre-training datasets makes it nearly impossible for individuals to read or conduct quality assessments on all the documents. This lack of clarity about the data on which the model has been trained poses a significant challenge. Researchers need to devise strategies to comprehend these vast datasets better and ensure the quality of the data used for training.
  • Reducing High Pre-Training Costs: Training a single LLM can require substantial computational resources, translating into high costs and significant energy consumption. The challenge here is to find ways to reduce these pre-training costs without compromising the performance of the model. This could involve optimizing the training process or developing more efficient model architectures.

Language and Tokenization

  • Building LLMs for Non-English Languages: There is a pressing need to develop LLMs for non-English languages. This complex challenge involves dealing with low-resource languages and ensuring that the models are practical and efficient.
  • Overcoming Tokenizer-Reliance: Tokenization, the process of breaking down text into smaller units, is crucial for feeding data into the model. However, this necessity comes with drawbacks, such as computational overhead, language dependence, handling of novel words, fixed vocabulary size, information loss, and low human interpretability. The challenge lies in developing more effective tokenization methods or alternatives that can mitigate these issues.
  • Improving Tokenization for Multilingual Settings: Tokenization schemes that work well in a multilingual setting, particularly with non-space-separated languages such as Chinese or Japanese, remain challenging. The challenge is to improve these schemes to ensure fair and efficient tokenization across all languages.

Hardware and Infrastructure

  • Developing Alternatives to GPUs: GPUs have been the primary hardware for deep learning for nearly a decade. However, there is a growing need for alternatives that can offer better performance or efficiency. This includes exploring technologies like quantum computing and photonic chips. There’s also currently a problem of availability of GPUs in the global market, therefore having alternatives would make this problem more manageable.

Usability and Application

  • Making Agents Usable: Agents are LLMs that can perform actions like browsing the internet or sending emails. The challenge here is to make these agents reliable and performant enough to be trusted with these tasks. Examples of agents frameworks are LangChain and LlamaIndex.
  • Detecting LLM-generated Text: As LLMs become more sophisticated, distinguishing between human-written and LLM-generated text becomes increasingly challenging. This detection is crucial for various reasons, such as preventing the spread of misinformation, plagiarism, impersonation, automated scams, and the inclusion of inferior generated text in future models' training data. The challenge lies in developing robust detection mechanisms that can keep up with the improving fluency of LLMs.

Learning and Preferences

  • Improving Learning from Human Preference: Reinforcement Learning from Human Preference (RLHF) is a promising approach but has its challenges. These include defining and mathematically representing human preferences and dealing with the diversity of human preferences.


In this lesson, we explored the challenges in large language models research.

We've examined the need for improved model performance and efficiency, including mitigating hallucinations, optimizing context, and designing new model architectures.

We've also discussed the complexities of managing vast datasets and the importance of incorporating other data modalities.

We highlighted the necessity for better tokenization methods, especially for non-English and non-space-separated languages.

We have also underscored the urgency of developing alternatives to GPUs and the need to make LLM agents more reliable.

Lastly, we've touched upon the challenge of detecting LLM-generated text and the intricacies of learning from human preference.

Each of these challenges presents an exciting opportunity for researchers to push the boundaries of what LLMs can achieve, making them more efficient, inclusive, and beneficial for a wide array of applications.