Deep Dive into RLHF

Deep Dive into RLHF


In this lesson, we will dive deeper into Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), a method that combines human feedback and reinforcement learning to enhance the alignment and efficiency of Large Language Models.

We explore the RLHF training process, compare it with Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT), and discuss its alternatives, such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and Reinforced Self-Training (ReST).

By the end of this lesson, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how RLHF and its alternatives are used to improve the performance and safety of LLMs.

Understanding RLHF

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is a method that integrates human feedback and reinforcement learning into LLMs, enhancing their alignment with human objectives and improving their efficiency.

RLHF has shown significant promise in making LLMs safer and more helpful. It was used for the first time for creating InstructGPT, a finetuned version of GPT3 for following instructions, and it’s used nowadays in the last OpenAI models ChatGPT (GPT-3.5-turbo) and GPT-4.

RLHF leverages human-curated rankings that act as a signal to the model, directing it to favor specific outputs over others, thereby encouraging the production of more reliable, secure responses that align with human expectations. All of this is done with the help of a reinforcement learning algorithm, namely PPO, that optimizes the underlying LLM model, leveraging the human-curated rankings.

RLHF Training Process

RLHF can be useful in guiding LLMs to generate appropriate texts by treating text generation as a reinforcement learning problem. In this approach, the language model serves as the RL agent, the possible language outputs represent the action space, and the reward is based on how well the LLM's response aligns with the context of the application and the user's intent.

RLHF must be done on an already pretrained LLM. A language model must be trained in advance on a large corpus of text data collected from the internet.

The RLHF training process can then be broken down into the following steps.

  • (Optional) Finetune the LLM by following instructions: This is an optional step, but some sources recommend fine-tuning raw LLM in advance by following instructions, using a specialized dataset for it. This step should make the following RL finetuning of RLHF converge faster.
  • RLHF dataset creation: The LLM is used to generate a lot of text completions from a set of instructions. For each instruction, we collect multiple completions from the model.
  • Collecting human feedback: Human labelers then rank the generated completions to the same instruction from best to worst. Humans can be asked to rank the completions, keeping into account several aspects, such as completeness, relevancy, accuracy, toxicity, bias, etc. It’s possible to convert these ranks into scores that we can assign to the text completions in our dataset, where a high score means that the completion is good.
  • Training a Reward Model: The RLHF dataset is used to train a reward model, which means a model that, when provided with an instruction and a text completion, assigns a score to the completion. In this context, a high score indicates that the completion is good. The reward model does a very similar job to what human labelers did on the dataset. The reward model is expected to learn, from the RLHF dataset, how to assign scores according to all the aspects taken into account during the labeling process (completeness, relevancy, accuracy, toxicity, bias, etc.).
  • Fine-tuning the Language Model with Reinforcement Learning and the Reward Model: Starting from a random instruction, our pretrained LLM generates multiple completions. These completions are then assigned scores by the reward model, and these scores are utilized by a reinforcement learning algorithm (PPO) to update the parameters of the LLM. This process aims to make the LLM more likely to produce completions with higher scores. To prevent the LLM from forgetting helpful information during fine-tuning, the RLHF fine-tuning process also aims to maintain a small Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the fine-tuned LLM and the original LLM. This ensures that the token distribution predicted by it remains relatively consistent. After repeating this process for several iterations, we will have our final, finalized LLM.
Visual illustration of RLHF. Image from


As seen in the previous lessons, aligning LLM to follow instructions with human values is possible by doing simple SFT (with or without LoRA) with a high-quality dataset (see the LIMA paper). So, what’s the tradeoff between RLHF and SFT?

In reality, it's still an open question. Empirically, it seems that RLHF can better teach the "human alignment" aspects of its dataset if it's sufficiently large and of high quality. However, in contrast, it's more expensive and time-consuming. Reinforcement learning, in this context, is still quite unstable, meaning that the results are very sensitive to the initial model parameters and training hyperparameters. It often falls into local optima, and the loss diverges multiple times, necessitating multiple restarts. This makes it less straightforward than plain SFT with LoRA.

Alternatives to RLHF

Over time, several alternatives to RLFH have been researched. Here are the most popular of them.

Direct Preference Optimization

Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) is a novel method for finetuning LLMs as an alternative to RLHF.

Unlike RLHF, which requires complex reward functions and careful balance to ensure sensible text generation, DPO simplifies the process by directly optimizing the language model using a binary cross-entropy loss. It bypasses the need for a reward model and RL-based optimization. Instead, it directly optimizes the language model on preference data. This is accomplished through an analytical mapping from the reward function to the optimal RL policy. It involves directly transforming the RL loss, which typically involves the reward and reference models, into a loss over the reference model.

As a result, DPO potentially simplifies the fine-tuning process of LLMs by eliminating the need for complex RL techniques or a reward model.

DPO optimizes for human preferences while avoiding reinforcement learning. Existing methods for fine-tuning language models with human feedback first fit a reward model to a dataset of prompts and human preferences over pairs of responses. Then, RL is used to find a policy that maximizes the learned reward. In contrast, DPO directly optimizes the policy to best satisfy the preferences with a simple classification objective, without an explicit reward function or RL. Image from

Reinforced Self-Training

Google DeepMind's Reinforced Self-Training (ReST) is a more cost-effective alternative to Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback. The ReST algorithm operates in a cyclical manner, involving two main steps that are repeated iteratively.

  1. The first step, referred to as the 'Grow' step, involves the use of an LLM to generate multiple output predictions for each context. These predictions are then used to augment a training dataset.
  2. Following this, the 'Improve' step comes into play. In this phase, the augmented dataset is ranked and filtered using a reward model that has been trained based on human preferences. Subsequently, the LLM is fine-tuned on this filtered dataset using an offline reinforcement learning objective. The fine-tuned LLM is then used in the subsequent Grow step.
ReST method. During the Grow step, a policy generates a dataset. The filtered dataset is used to fine-tune the policy in the Improve step. Both steps are repeated. The improvement step is repeated more frequently to amortize the dataset creation cost. Image from

The ReST methodology offers several advantages over RLHF.

  • It significantly reduces the computational load compared to online reinforcement learning. This is achieved by leveraging the output of the Grow step across multiple Improve steps.
  • The quality of the policy is not limited by the quality of the original dataset, as is the case with offline reinforcement learning. This is because new training data is sampled from an improved policy during the Grow step.
  • Decoupling the Grow and Improve steps allows for easy inspection of data quality and potential diagnosis of alignment issues, such as reward hacking.
  • The ReST approach is straightforward and stable and only requires tuning a small number of hyperparameters, making it a user-friendly and efficient tool in the machine learning toolkit.

Reinforcement Learning from AI Feedback (RLAIF)

Another innovative alternative to RLHF is Reinforcement Learning from AI Feedback (RLAIF). Developed by Anthropic, RLAIF aims to address some of the limitations of RLHF, particularly concerning the subjectivity and scalability of human feedback.

In RLAIF, instead of relying on human feedback, an AI Feedback Model is used to provide feedback for training the AI assistant. This Feedback Model is guided by a constitution provided by humans, outlining the essential principles for the model's judgment. This approach allows for a more objective and scalable supervision technique, as it is not dependent on a small pool of human preferences.

The RLAIF process begins with the creation of a dataset of ranked preferences generated automatically by the AI Feedback Model. This dataset is then used to train a Reward Model similar to RLHF. The Reward Model serves as the reward signal in a reinforcement learning schema for an LLM.

A diagram depicting RLAIF (top) vs. RLHF (bottom). Image from

RLAIF offers several advantages over RLHF. Firstly, it maintains the helpfulness of RLHF models while making improvements in terms of harmlessness. Secondly, it reduces subjectivity as the AI assistant's behavior is not solely dependent on a small pool of humans and their particular preferences. Lastly, RLAIF is significantly more scalable as a supervision technique, making it a promising alternative for the future development of safer and more efficient LLMs.

A recent paper from Google did more experiments with RLAIF and found that humans prefer both RLAIF and RLHF to standard SFT at almost equal rates, indicating that they could be alternatives.


This lesson provided a more in-depth exploration of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback, a method that combines human feedback and reinforcement learning to enhance the performance and safety of Large Language Models.

We covered the RLHF training process, highlighting its steps and how it leverages human-curated rankings and reinforcement learning to finetune the LLM. We also compared RLHF with Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT), discussing the trade-offs between the two.

Furthermore, we explored alternatives to RLHF, such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and Reinforced Self-Training (ReST), which offer different approaches to fine-tuning LLMs.

As we continue to refine these techniques, we move closer to our goal of creating LLMs that are more aligned with human values, efficient, and safer to use.